This is a picture of the Africa Tagsie up for grabs on the blog. I have three others already made and ready to ship as well. Two are girly (one green and flowers, one purple) and one with these super cute little martians on it. I almost want to keep them for myself. They don't have the Africa on them, and if you want to wait, I can put that on there and mail them when we return. I sell them for $17.00 and that includes shipping. That cost goes directly to orphan care.

Here we are building some nursery furniture. I've made my friends slave away a lot for this baby. AC is away at summer camp and won't get to meet him for a while, and Rebecca is biting her nails waiting for the first chance to squeeze him. These girls are AWESOME.

I took a trip to Brownwood to hang out with the Hulls. I had so many donations I had to send 150 lbs with another family. Here we are sorting things and packing them at Kimmie's lovely home.
We were able to purchase 40 pairs of Crocs at $2.50 each. I had Kim's sons make them into a great photo.

Some friends and I went to Fredericksburg, Texas on a BABYCATION. It was super fun. There are a zillion great pics, but I'm going to leave you with the one that makes us all look like nice, sweet, normal girls. Not crazy, giggling, out of control girls. That doesn't describe us. Not at all.

Blogger won't let me delete this picture. It's Justin painting. This is a tiny glimpse of a nursery treat. But don't worry, against my husband's wishes, the gun is not in the baby's room.
I had three showers. Yes, three amazing showers for this already spoiled baby. They were all totally different and way way fun. The craziest part is that they were three Saturdays IN A ROW. I was exhausted. Phew!
This one was friends only, no family. (hehehe ... those young and crazy party girls) Everything was black and white and green with nothing too babyish. Super cute. So many compliments on this. Lots more pics on facebook.
This is part of the shower damage after the first shower...Justin's family. They are ready for this baby. Justin's mom is the last of her siblings to have a grandchild and she is (I think) trying to make up for lost time. We are so appreciative of what she's done for us!
This is Kim Hull. She drove all the way from Brownwood to come and hang out with me at my shower and do slave labor on the baby's bedding. (Reveal coming, I promise!) Everyone says, "Wow, your mom looks really young!" She's not my mom, but I would gladly join her family. : )
This cake was AWESOME. So tasty! I really wish I had a piece right now.

This is the view of one of his closets (he has two) after just the first shower. I'll have you know that both closets are stuffed full and every single drawer is also full. And runneth over. Into other places. These are the jokes I've heard:
1. "All she's going to do with that baby is change his clothes!"
2. "She'll never have to do laundry. Just wear it once and toss it!"
3. Others along these same lines.
4. I'm totally ok with them. I didn't purchase all that. You did. : ) And he's going to love it!
Well, I think that's my life lately. There have been some other fun things like going away parties, lots of sweets, playing Stacy and Clinton to clean out a friend's closet (don't worry Rebecca, I'm not posting the totally embarrassing pictures of that), moving my in-laws into our neighborhood, nesting, house cleaning, more baby stuff to put together, and lots and lots of staring at his precious pictures.
We leave in 30 hours. It will take us nearly that long to get there. (Wow. Yuck.) This wait has been so incredibly long from start to (almost) finish -- and it is absolutely worth it. We are meeting our son in just a few more days. : )
Very fun! I can't wait to hear all about your trip and meet your little nameless guy. :)
I want a Africa tagsie!!! Can I still buy one?? I can't get onto the esty site.
SO EXCITING!! I can't wait to hear all about your trip! It is going to be fantastic!! Yeah!!
Wow lady - I am so excited for you both - I just found the blog and went through and read all the past posts and all I can say is "WOW" - I can't believe what a journey this has been for you guys... I won't bother you first thing when you get back - but you had better call me once you settle - I so very much want to meet your little man - please tell me if there is anything I can do - most importantly - have a fun, exciting safe trip and may the angels bring your family (all 3!) swiftly home. Take Care dear friend - I am so happy that all of your dreams are coming true. Lots of hugs - God Bless!
Kim Hampton
lovely and just wonderful.
have a great trip!! we will be following right behind!!
Great post. It was so much fun to read! I am SO excited for you guys... it won't be long now. :)
I so remember when you were at the beginning of your journey. Do u remember just being so overwhelmed with the process? I think we talked by e-mail or something..
Please hug Almaz for me and tell her Tracie (Tesfaye's mommy) sends her love from TN. She might not remember we named him Abel.
Take it ALL IN... it's amazing!
I was wondering if we'd get a good update before you left :) ... good work ... I know how much effort lengthy picture-filled posts are ... can't image 30 hours before leaving for the trip of a lifetime.
have a GREAT trip ... can't wait to see and hear all the greatness.
and yeah, jealous for you knowing and having met THE Kim Hull ... what a great woman!
thanks for telling Silas we'll be there soon!
So awesome to see SO much love for him already within your friends and family....what a treat for him when he gets home! Safe it up!
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