Over the weekend we received information stating that Justin did indeed fail his second attempt at fingerprinting. I'm pretty sure we only received this info when we did because I've been calling the Senator's office as well as one of the state representative's office and they've in turn been hounding CIS for an update. I'm glad to see our tax dollars at work.
Anyway. When you fail twice, the person in question must have a criminal background check performed by the police department where he's lived for the last five years. (We are lucky because if we got this only a few months earlier, we'd have to contact another city!) Today I went to the county municipal buildings and got yet another background clearance done on Justin. (This is at least the third I've had done. I thought for sure the lady would start to recognize me...)
Bright and early Thursday morning, Justin will head down to hand that in and make a sworn statement. I was told over the phone by one of the CIS case workers that we should be approved immediately after the paperwork is signed. This is good news, but I'm still not sure how long it will take for the approval to make it to whatever office it is that does the official FDL, which is what we need to bring our son back to the US. Justin asked me to go with him to plead our cause and keep his attitude in check. He thinks I'll say things a lot nicer than he would. He's probably right. We'll see. I'll post when everything's is (hopefully) done.
In other news, our court date is approaching! Several of our friends had court dates 3/31 and all passed. I'm really hoping they will go and love on our little guy. None of the other families have been able to tell us much about him. We've heard twice that he was sleeping out in the sun, so until we have other news, that's his only hobby we know about! I know these other mommies will love on him lots for me. (You know who you are!!!)
We have 32 days until our court date. The girls in my small group made a paper chain for me to count down the days. To be honest, I couldn't take them off at first. Things like "58 days till court!!!" weren't really very uplifting. Now we're half way though so I'm feeling much better. Plus, a month isn't really that bad, right? Here is the chain stretched across some shelves. One fun little piece of trivia is that the paper our chain is made of is the scrap left over from our wedding reception dinner menus that I made. Fun!

I will be posting more pictures soon! I have shower pictures and I'm nearly done with the nursery, too...now if only I could say the same for the last of those thank you notes...
We went to our fingerprint appointment this morning and after a small, but humorous situation (maybe a later post?) met with the CIS officer dealing with our case. She read Justin's background check, had him stand to swear an oath, and answer a few questions. He signed. She signed. That was it. We're done!
She said she'd finish processing our paperwork today and we should receive our stuff in the mail next week sometime. Praise God, our son can come home! Praise the Lord who is Faithful!
We give thank to you, O God,
we give thanks for your Name is near;
men tell of your wonderful deeds.
You say, "I choose the appointed time;
it is I who judge uprightly.
When the earth and all its people quake,
it is I who hold its pillars firm."
Psalm 75: 1-2