Look! Here we are at our favorite neighborhood eaterie celebrating the completion of our dossier. Yep, that's right. I said (typed) completion!!! We spoke with one of the managers, Shane, who was so excited for us --we nearly fell out of our chairs with laughter when-- he squealed.
Oh, and look. Here we are at Fed-Ex/Kinkos making our last copies and mailing our dossier.
Here we are laughing because Ken, the guy at Fed-Ex/Kinkos, was so deadpan hilarious. "Wow, I've never seen anyone so excited to send a package." And also, "I misquoted you, so I'll give you the discount overnight rate of $14.80 --because it's a good cause. And you can't stop jumping up and down." (This is because I asked my hubband if it would be ok to spend the (misquoted amount of) $25 to overnight the package...he responded, "With the thousands we've already spent, I don't see how twenty five bucks is a big deal." Also deadpan. Also hilarious.)
So YAY!!! We finished. And we mailed. And we celebrated. And today (Tuesday) at 6pm CST out "mail order baby" was picked up from Spring, Texas and shipped as fast as can be to Portland, Oregon. Because of our ridiculously long homestudy and dossier prep work (have I mentioned lately that it took over a year???) that our AWESOME case manager, Julie, said she'd look at it tomorrow instead of waiting until Friday like normal. Yay!!!

WONDERFUL NEWS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
It is FINALLY done! I can't believe it and I am soooo excited for you. I can not wait for you to get a number and be officially waiting (even though we all know the waiting begins when you make the decision to adopt!)
Yeah!!! I am so excited for you. Can't wait to hear your numbers.
The second you get off the phone you better be at your computer posting your number!!!!!!!!!!!
I have tears I am so happy for you!! Seriously!!! What a GREAT feeling, to have all that work done!
I can't wait to hear!
oh wow how cool! We shipped our dossier to Julie today too! I also took pictures and the lady at PostNet also gave me a discount because of my giddyness:) So YAY it's nice to find someone in the same place! We will be praying for you guys!
btw: I am already trying to stalk AGCI blogs and it has only been 3 hours since I sent it in:)
Congratulations! This great news just made my day!
I just read your email on list serve!!! I am so happy for you!! I don't even know what to say but....WoooooooHooooo!!!!
I couldn't be happier!!
Where is the post? So glad you posted on the list serv, because I squealed with delight when I read your e-mail. You have been a constant part of my prayers and am just delighted that you are finally waiting.
Ok, I am still very excited for you. This had been a long time coming (as I am sure you realize!)
CONGRATULATIONS!!! That's awesome!!
no news yet but I heard your numbers:) Congrats! I did hear that FEDEX delivered it today around 1:30 Portland time.....no news from Julie yet... Our check is coming from our grant from Lifesong so maybe they have to wait for that still too....no tracking number on that though:(
My investigative skills will always be available : ) Join the brag site, so you can get on the unofficial waitlist. (See my message on the listserv.) Something to do to keep you busy during the wait : )
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