Thursday, November 29

With wings as eagles

So I already realize that I hate posting without pictures. I have to get my camera working! Right now it has about 200ish pictures just waiting to be loaded onto a computer somewhere. I heard a rumor that I might be getting a new camera for Christmas this year and that is oh-so-very-exciting. I can't wait! Justin and I are also discussing a new laptop since ours died and we want to downsize from our deskmonster. But since we're save, save, saving up for the adoption that might take a while. I also learned that I am getting this from Santa...because apparently my sweet hubband can't keep a secret. He said he, er, Santa, ordered the last one! : )

Our church is doing some spiffy Christmas giving. They had a tree up with ornaments that listed the needs of some families in our community. We picked up two ornaments at random and are now shopping for Karla and Giana. Karla is five and needs a new coat and a little bike. Giana is 12 months and needs some clothes and diapers. We found the coolest little bike:

Now if only I can figure out how to wrap it.

This semester is almost over. Yippie Skippie for that. Justin is also preparing to start the police academy December 10. I know he is finally getting excited about that. He's been ready to start for months but the city isn't getting recruits ready fast enough and they kept pushing back the start date. We've waited over 10 weeks for this. Of course, compared to adoption 10 weeks isn't so bad. Maybe this was a little primer; practice waiting from the Lord. Speaking of waiting, that reminds me of a nifty verse prominent in my childhood:

They that wait upon the Lord
shall renew their strength.
They shall mount up with wings as eagles;
They shall walk and not grow weary,
They shall run and not grow faint.
Isaiah 40:31

1 comment:

Cindy said...

Sweet hubby! That is a beautiful necklace.

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